Captain Ballard's Office!
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Basic Info on BHS

Captain Ballard's Office

Enrollment List

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Bunk Rooms

The Newsletter


My Dedications


So, you wanna enroll in Breaker High School! Wonderful! Captain Ballard will be so excited! OK, here's the need to email me with your info: i.e. your BHS character!

Things I need:
OK, here's the info I need from you in order to make you an OFFICAL MEMBER of BHS!!!! You need to copy and paste this and send it to my e-mail:! I need:

BH Name (first and last from now on):

Got any nicknames?

Where you came from (what country, state, etc.):

Hair color:

Eye color:

Fav BH Character:


Pysical description:

Whether you'd like to be on Ballard's good side:

Anything else you can think of (i.e. if you want a lover):

Want a cabin room? If you do, tell me what you want...

If you want a cabin room, does your boyfriend want one, too?

Do you want to be on the hockey team or the Breakerette (cheerleading) team?

Would you like to be a BH journalist? (we need help!)

There ya go! Hope ya like BHS! By the way, this could be personal info, or made up info, it doesn't matter!

THIS IS FOR MY RECORDS (add this to e-mail, but it will never be shared beyond me)

Real name (first at least):

(and finally)Birthday: (so we can celebrate it on the board!)

Bio Page Deal...
I'm gonna try to set up a character bio page for Captain Ballard soon! Like not for him, but for you! I'm doing the chore for him, I mean! Until then, bear with me! I've still got classes to attend!!! :)

Send me the info at!