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Here's the deal:
If you wish, you may get a room and bunk with a friend, not a boyfriend.(Sorry, Captain Ballard's rule) The room #'s will be different than the one's on the show. Yes it will be girls rooms/ boys rooms. You have to be a member to get a room, BTW. You have to e-mail me and tell me what number you want to be in...girls in girls' dorms, boys in boys' dorms. (PS: It's not a against the rule for a guy to go into a girl's dorm and vice versa. It only is after curfew...)
Girls' Domain!
Girls' Dorms
OK...these are the Girls' Dorm numbers and who bunks with who...when everyone's filled up, I'll make some more rooms.401-Ashley and Tamira 403-Denise and Cassidy 405-Allie and Laura 407-Angel and Neila 409-Celeste and Samara
411-Sandy and Anjuli 413-Michel and Linda
415-Emily and Hudson 417-Laynie and Kathrine (oooh..will you sisters be ok???) 419-Sky 421-Mary Jo and Fiona 423- 425
Guys' Dorms!
OK, guys! Here's your rooms! You have a "Guys Only" Policy! 402-Alex and Max 404-Sean and Tom 406-Jimmy and Alan 408-Danny and Tre 410-Carey 412-
Oh, yeah...
If you are a girl and have a guy copy or a guy with a girl copy and wish to give him/ her a room, you may certainly do so!