BHS Official Stuff!
BHS Home

Basic Info on BHS

Captain Ballard's Office

Enrollment List

The LUV Boat

BHS Role Play

Bunk Rooms

The Newsletter


My Dedications


OK, guys! Captain Ballard just got a whole list of staff members! He told me to do this! Here are their names and characteristics...

General Staff:

Captain Ballard(of course!)-Everyone knows he's strict, but leniant. He's a nice guy, and he only forces down on the rules when he has to. And-face it guys- he cares a LOT about us!

Tony Gifford- The activities director. He's happy and caring, but gullible. He's a little fluffy...and to Tre...fruity

NEW! Guidence councelor, Mrs. Theresa Ford...Mrs. Ford to you...she's very nice, guys! And, as a rule, she's confined to anything you tell her she's NOT allowed to tell anyone else!

'Ol Nigel Mumford- he's the cook...


Miss Ana Mitchell: she's in charge of History now

Mr. Jacob Green: he's the math teacher. He's an average, nice, teacher, giving fair amounts of homework

Mr. John Yibo: This guy's AWESOME! He's the science teacher! He said he's not much on homework, but he's into a lot of projects.

Mrs. Edna Hippus: She's the English teacher. Man, she's mean! She claims she's from the "old school". You can only guess what that means...

Mr. Taylor Penn: He's the art's an optional class. He gives you skech-book assignments sometimes, but mostly in-class work. We'll sketch, paint, sculpt...everything...

Mr. Matt Collins: He's the chorus and the music teacher. This is another optional class..*Note to Allie, the REST are optional!* Sean! know what u do in chorus, but in music you learn and play oriental insturments, study music periods, study musicals and soundtrack songs

Miss Ingrid Yorgnik: She's the Language teacher...she knows a LOT of languages, but she only teaches the available ones: Spanish, French, Japanese, Latin, and Italian

Clubs, Extracurricular Activities, and Such!
Here's the place where we can do our clubs and sports teams!

Clubs: BHS Chess (Cap made me put that!)

Movie Mania Club

Art Club

Scrapbooking Club

Sports Maniacs Central

Bead Club

Drama Club

Dancing Club

Teams and sports: Hockey Team (still needs captain)

Cheerleading Squad

Gymnastics Team

Swim Team

Dancing Team

General Information:

School Colors: sea blue and green!

Mascot and team name: Dolphins!

That's about all for now...If you can think of any more to help me, please tell!


Our Mascot: The Dolphin!